How to treat dandruff at home using kitchen staples?

Black pepper corns - 1 teaspoon
Coconut - 1/4 grated
Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon

When I was a kid, I have seen this pepper coconut mixture on my dad's head every week. I never knew what it was or why he applied that every week. Later when I was suffering from dandruff, that is when I learnt this recipe from my amma.

There are 2 ways of making this recipe. The easiest and the one that my dad used is very simple. All you had to do was to just grind the black pepper corns and grated coconut together. Do not use water while grinding. Since we have coconut trees at home,we got plenty of coconuts at our disposal and never actually measured how much coconut went in preparing this recipe. However you my add or reduce the quantity according to your need or length of your hair.

Although this recipe is to treat dandruff, coconut is always great when applied on hair. So I generally apply it not only on my scalp, I apply it till the ends of my hair. You may leave this on for about 1/2 - 1 hour and wash it off with mild shampoo. Using this continuously not only treats dandruff, but makes your hair soft and shiny.

If you do not have time to grind pepper and coconut every week, all you had to do is warm up coconut oil and add in the ground black pepper. Let it sit for about a day and then drain the coconut oil in an airtight bottle. You may warm up this oil and apply it every time you wash your hair. Leave this oil for at least half hour before you wash with a mild shampoo.
